Thursday, March 24, 2011

A (Small) Victory for the Middle Class

Today marks a victory for Middle Class workers in Milwaukee as the Court of Appeals ruled to uphold the paid sick day law.

Dana Schultz, Lead Organizer of 9 to 5, the National Organization of Working Women, said:
"Milwaukeeans have made their decision on paid sick days, and now the courts have upheld their vote. The State Legislature should not be trying to rob voters in Milwaukee and cities across the state of their basic right to local decision-making on sick days or any other laws…It’s time for the State Legislature to stop its attacks on hard-working families and get to work on policies that will help create jobs and grow our economy."

Not everyone was pleased with results, including the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce and Milwaukee's Mayor, Tom Barrett.  They feel businesses will leave Milwaukee and move to other parts of the state to avoid the law.

Sadly, this may be true, which once again reaffirms our nation's lack of respect and support for the middle class, working families of our country.  Rather than trying to overturn the Milwaukee law, wouldn't it be better to try to get the law passed across the state?

Reliable Plating Works president said no one was happy with the court's decision, not even the workers.  Really?  I plan to contact Reliable to share with them my feelings about the law.  You should as well.  It's time we start telling businesses that we are tired of them taking advantage of the working people of Wisconsin.  Rather than seeing how low can you go, how about for once a business showing you can take care of your workers and still earn a profit!!

Here's how to contact Reliable:

And by the way, Prosser voted to affirm the Milwaukee County Circuit Judge's decision to halt the ordinance.  I can't wait to send him a message about how I feel in the April 5th election!

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