Saturday, March 26, 2011

Let My Voice Be Heard

I refuse to be a victim of those in power, either political power or financial power.  I will do everything I can to make my voice heard.  Here's a list of things I will be contacting people about.  You may want to have your voice heard as well.
Call In Day To Block Social Security Cuts

On March 28 and 29, join the Social Security coalition in a National Call-In to protect Social Security.  To reduce the federal deficit, some in Washington are proposing deep cuts to Social Security benefits.  We need to stop them.  Social Security belongs to the people who pay for it in every paycheck.  Don’t let Congress cut benefits, raise the retirement age, or reduce the COLA. 
Senators Sanders (I-VT) and Reid (D-NV) have introduced the Social Security Protection amendment to block cuts to Social Security.  Call your U.S. Senators on March 29th and 30thby dialing 1-866-251-4044.  Tell them: Hands off Social Security!  Vote YES on the Sanders-Reid Social Security Protection Amendment!

Our Students’ Future At Stake —They Are Counting On Congress For Support!

As Congress returns from their district work period, negotiations will continue on a long-term continuing resolution (CR) to fund programs through the end of the current fiscal year (September 30, 2011).  The current short-term CR will expire on April 8; Congress must act on a full-year CR prior to that date to avoid a government shutdown. 
At stake is funding for critical education programs like Title I, IDEA special education, and Pell Grants – programs that are critical to ensuring every student the opportunity to succeed in the 21st century.  Compromise will be necessary to get any bill passed.  But, conservative Members will be pushing for deep cuts in education and other programs.  Your voice is critical to keep up the pressure for investments in education
Take Action TODAY:  Tell Congress to craft a continuing resolution that invests in education for our nation’s future. 

We Are One: Stand Up For Workers’ Rights On April 4

On April 4, 1968, 43 years ago in Memphis, a long struggle for human rights and human dignity ended in the tragic assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., but it brought economic justice and the respect that all people deserve to 1,300 city sanitation workers.
On April 4 this year, the anniversary of Dr. King’s death, labor unions, civil rights organizations, and religious leaders will stand together across this country for the same human rights and human dignity for working men and women.  We will remember the courage and determination of Dr. King and those workers who endured assault and arrest as they walked a picket line for two months.  We have stood together as one with public workers across this country whose bargaining rights are under attack, with private workers who can’t get bargaining rights, and against those politicians and their allies who want to silence our political voice.
On April 4, 2011, on the job, in our schools and in our communities, we will remind our elected officials that workers rights are human rights, and that those rights will not be destroyed.

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