Saturday, May 7, 2011

Unions: All for One and One for All

You may have seen these statistics already.  They hit home the reality of what's happening to our middle class in America.  On this blog, Karla Walter, Senior Policy Analyst and David Madland, Director of the American Worker Project at the Center for American Progress Action Fund, wrote:

"The middle class is markedly stronger when workers join together in unions.  The power of unions to create prosperity for working families is well recognized: Organized labor is one of the few voices for the economic interests of the middle class in our government. Unions were key to creating and protecting the social safety net."

Not only are middle class wages decreasing, but as I've demonstrated in previous posts, wages of the rich continue to increase, creating a wider and wider income gap in our country.

The Center for American Progress Action Fund published this article.  It said, 

"The essence of what labor unions do—give workers a stronger voice so that they can get a fair share of the economic growth they help create—is and has always been important to making the economy work for all Americans. And unions only become more important as the economy worsens."

And they provided this interactive map to see what's happening in your state.

Yet with all this data showing how important unions are to all middle class workers, here was the headline from JS online yesterday:  
Unions might drop state status

And here's what it said,

"If Gov. Scott Walker's union bargaining measure becomes law and forces do-or-die recertification votes for public employee unions, some large public unions might simply skip the votes and drop their official status with the state."

I am sad today.

Here's where we are headed middle class, right down to the bottom of the barrel...without a voice.  
Fight on!

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