Sunday, July 3, 2011

It's Not a Four Letter Word

Has been given a bad rap.
"We're going to take your hard earned money and give it to lazy people who don't want to bother to get a job."  Listening to NPR a week ago I heard one of the guests on the Republican side respond to a caller who asked about raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans.

His response?  "Hey, those rich people worked really hard for their money- they earned it.  It's not fair to ask them to share it with others."

Not fair?

My husband made a great point the other day when I complained (something I've said many times before)  "Why is my career worth less than someone else's? Why is a doctor more valued than a teacher?"  Now that's what seems unfair to me.

It's all about the market, my husband told me.  Simple supply and demand.  Education jobs, for example, are a dime a dozen.  We've had as many as 900 applicants for a teaching job at our school.  Somehow, I doubt there's 900 doctors applying for one job.  He added that in a sense, we've done this to ourselves- letting too many teachers graduate from college, flooding the market, driving our wages down.

John Nichols was on WPR this past week, talking about socialism.  I often have thought of myself as a socialist (there- now I've said it and completely ruined my chances of ever running for political office).  It goes back to my personality- the need to have things be fair and equitable.

Which leads to the second complaint I often utter- "How much money is enough for one person to make?  Does a surgeon really need to make $600,000 when a teacher makes $60,000?"
I've heard people say that if teachers really loved children, then they'd be willing to work for even less than they do now-
Out of the goodness of their hearts.
Because it's really about the children.

I don't hear anyone saying that about doctors.

The anesthesiologist who put my daughter under for her surgery- a 90 minute procedure-
made over $1000.

But shouldn't he have done it for less?
You know, out of the goodness of his heart.
Because he loves his job-
and it's really about the patients.

Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.  That's my husband's stance.  So he's been looking for a new career.

As for me, I'm going to be reading up more on this socialism thing- make sure it's really the way I want to go.  And I'll start here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jane,

    If people really loved children, they'd be willing to pay a lot more to have the best quality teachers for them. The rich have no problem spending big bucks to place their kids in elite schools.
