Saturday, April 9, 2011

If I Only Had a Heart

On the April 6th show, Rachel Maddow said, "Corporations do not have hearts.  They have profits, they have interests."  She later went on to say, "For corporations seeking profits regardless of the human cost, it is rational, it's business.  And watching out for the humans in that equation- that is what governments are for."

A 2003 article from the San Francisco Chronicle: Corporations not Human, reported on the Supreme Court case, Kasky vs Nike.  "A corporation is an artificial being -- invisible, intangible and existing only in contemplation of law. Being human must be a valid condition for protection under the First Amendment. In effect, the court ruled that there is no constitutional basis for bestowing Bill of Rights protections upon corporations."

Which seems a direct contrast to the recent Supreme Court ruling on Citizens United vs Federal Election Commission, which now allows corporations to donate as much as they want to political campaigns.

Justice John Paul Stevens dissented, saying, “In the context of election to public office, the distinction between corporate and human speakers is significant. Although they make enormous contributions to our society, corporations are not actually members of it."

What can you do?  Go to this website:  Move to Amend  Sign the petition to amend the Constitution.
Get involved in their project- here's an event in the Milwaukee area next weekend.

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